Find the TTCL Contact Details, Phone Numbers, Email and Postal Address.
TTCL Contacts details, Directions, Address and Location provided below are undoubtedly useful and convenient for obtaining critical information from remote, off-campus-areas. Continue reading for physical Address, Phone, email, fax, box numbers, and social media presence among other vital contacts to connect with TTCL.
Tanzania Telecommunication Corporations formerly known as Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) was established by An Act of the Parliament, ‘The Tanzania Telecommunications Company Incorporation Act of 1993’.
The Company came into operation following a split of the former parastatal organization known as Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications Company (TP&TC;) and began operation on Jan 1, 1994. The split was due to the government’s move to liberalize communications sector in the country, and due to this separation four parastatal entities were formed namely; The Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC), Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL), Tanzania Postal Bank (TPB), and Tanzania Communication Commission (TCC) now known as Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA).
TTCL Contacts details
Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd.
- P. O. Box 9070,
- Dar es salaam.
- Telephone: +255 22 214 2000
- FAX: +255 22 214 2045
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Toll Free: 100.
- Corporate Customers toll free: 140.
- NICTBB toll free: 144 / 0800 11 55 55.
- Directory enquiries toll free: 135