List of Courses offered by Nkumba University (NU)
Browse the range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, as well as active PhD programmes, that are offered at Nkumba University (NU). Nkumba University (NU) offers Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Certificate & Diploma Courses.
Below is a list of all the courses offered at the Nkumba University (NU).
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- Master of Arts CIAD by coursework and dissertation
- Master of Arts CIAD by thesis
- Master of Arts Development Administration and Management
- Master of Arts in Commercial Industrial Art and Design
- Master of Arts in Community-Based Development
- Master of Arts in Counselling
- Master of Arts in Development Studies
- Master of Arts in Education Management and Planning
- Master of Arts in Human Rights and Human Development
- Master of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
- Master of Arts in Public Administration and Management
- Master of Arts in Security and Strategic Studies
- Master of Business Administration -Information Technology
- Master of Business Administration: Management option
- Master of Business Administration: Accounting and Finance Option
- Master of Computing & Information Systems
- Master of Human Resource Management
- Master of Information Technology
- Master of Procurement and Logistics Management
- Master of Science Marketing
- Master of Science Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Master of Science in Environment Health
- Master of Science in Management
- Master of Science in Natural Resources Management
- Master of Science in Tourism Planning and Management
- Master of Taxation Management
- Masters of Science in Environment Impact Assessment
- MBA Accouting Specialisation
- MBA Management Specialisation
- MBA Marketing Specialisation
- Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling
- PhD by Research
- Post Graduate Diploma in Community-Based Development
- Post Graduate Diploma in Development Administration and Management
- Post Graduate Diploma in Development Studies
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education
- Post Graduate Diploma in Education Management and Planning
- Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Post Graduate Diploma in International Relations & Diplomacy
- Post graduate Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Studies
- Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management
- Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation Management
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education
- Postgraduate Diploma in Environment Impact Assessment
See also Programmes | Courses offered at Africa Renewal University (ARU)
- Bachelor General Arts Sciences
- Bachelor in Commercial Industrial Art and Design
- Bachelor of Applied Computing
- Bachelor of Arts in Community Based Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Community Disability Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Counselling
- Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration and Management
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Works And Social Administration
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Development
- Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Bachelor of Business Education
- Bachelor of Business Information Technology
- Bachelor of Business Law
- Bachelor of Clearing and Forwarding Management
- Bachelor of Commercial Art
- Bachelor of Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Care and Development
- Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Fashion and Textiles Design
- Bachelor of Graphic Communication Design
- Bachelor of Human Resource Management
- Bachelor of Industrial Art and Design Common
- Bachelor of Information Technology
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Multi-lingual Secretarial Studies and Administration
- Bachelor of Networks and Systems Administration
- Bachelor of Office Management and Secretarial Studies
- Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management
- Bachelor of Records and Information Management
- Bachelor of Science Guidance and Counselling
- Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Biological Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environment Management
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Management and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Home Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management and Institutional Catering
- Bachelor of Science in Journalism
- Bachelor of Science in Petroleum and Minerals Management and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Public Health
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism Operations and Management
- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Forestry Resources Management
- Bachelor of Science with Education.(Secondary)
- Bachelor of Taxation Management
- Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science
- BBA Accounting Specialisation
- BBA Banking Insurance and Finance
- BBA Management Specialisation
- BBA Marketing Specialisation
- BSCJ_Inactive
See also Programmes | Courses offered by Cavendish University Uganda
- DBA Accounting Specialisation
- DBA Banking Insurance and Finance Specialisation
- DBA Management Specialisation
- DBA Marketing Specialisation
- Diploma Electives SEHS
- Diploma General Arts Sciences SEHS
- Diploma in Agribusiness
- Diploma in Applied Biological Sciences
- Diploma in Arts with Education (Primary)
- Diploma in Arts with Education (Secondary)
- Diploma in Business Administration
- Diploma in Business Administration (Purchasing and Supplies Management)
- Diploma in Business Administration Majoring in Clearing and Forwarding
- Diploma in Commercial Industrial Art and Design
- Diploma in Community Disability Studies
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Diploma in Counselling
- Diploma in Criminal Justice
- Diploma in Development Studies
- Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Development
- Diploma in Education – (Secondary) – Arts and Science
- Diploma in Education – Science (Secondary)
- Diploma in Education (Primary)
- Diploma in Environmental Sciences
- Diploma in Financial Engineering
- Diploma in Fisheries Management and Technologies
- Diploma in General Nursing
- Diploma in Graphic Digital Design
- Diploma in Guidance and Counselling
- Diploma in HIV/AIDS Education and Management
- Diploma in Home Economics
- Diploma in Hotel Management and Catering
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Journalism
- Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Studies
- Diploma in Petroleum and Minerals Management
- Diploma in Public Administration and Management
- Diploma in Public Health
- Diploma in Records and Information Management
- Diploma in Science with Education (Primary)
- Diploma in Social Works and Social Administration
- Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture
- Diploma in Taxation Management
- Diploma in Tourism Operations
- Diploma in Vocational Arts/Crafts and Design Studies
- Diploma in Wildlife and Forestry Resources Management
- Diploma of Arts in Interior and Landscape Design
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education
See also Courses offered at International University of East Africa (IUEA)
- Certificate in Beadwork
- Certificate In Business Administration
- Certificate in Commercial Industrial Art and Design
- Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development
- Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Development
- Certificate in English Language Proficiency
- Certificate in Guidance and Counselling
- Certificate in Hotel Operations and Institutional Catering
- Certificate in Needlecraft Techniques
- Certificate in Office Management
- Certificate in Office Management and Secretarial Studies
- Certificate in Pottery Production
- Certificate in Psychology Guidance and Counselling
- Certificate in Rug Weaving
- Certificate in Signage Design
- Certificate in Sustainable Agriculture
- Certificate in Tourism Operations
For more information
- Courses offered at St. Augustine International University (SAIU)
- Programmes | Courses offered at Uganda Martyrs University (UMU)
- Programmes | Courses offered at Uganda Pentecostal University (UPU)
- Courses offered at International University of East Africa (IUEA)
- Programmes | Courses offered at LivingStone International University (LIU)