If you are a standard seven student, you are probably anxious about your PSLE results. Waiting for your results can be a daunting task. However, with the advancement of technology, you can now check your results online. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to check your matokeo darasa la saba online (Jinsi ya kuangalia matokeo ya darasa la saba 2023) using the NECTA website.
Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)
Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) (Matokeo ya Mtihani Darasa la Saba 2023) are administered by National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA). Expected to be released in November or December 2023. These results are crucial in determining the students who will be selected for Form One.
How to Access the NECTA PSLE Results 2023 Online?
To check Matokeo Darasa la Saba 2023 online, you’ll need an internet-enabled device. Visit the official NECTA website On the website, click on the “PSLE Results” option from the main menu. The ‘Results’ page will display all available results. Next, choose your exam type, which is PSLE. After this, select the year of your exam, which is 2023. The website will display a list of regions from where you can choose yours. Then, select your district and school. Finally, you can access your results from the options displayed.
- Kwa kuanza, nenda kwenye tovuti rasmi ya NECTA kwa kutembelea
- Chagua sehemu ya “Results” kutoka kwenye menyu kuu ya tovuti ya NECTA na utaona madirisha ya “Results” yanaonyesha matokeo yote yanayopatikana.
- Chagua “Exam Type” ambayo ni PSLE na chagua “Year” ambayo ni 2023 kwa kuwa maudhui yanayoonyesha ni kwa mwaka huo.
- Baada ya kuchagua mwaka, utaweza kuona matokeo ya PSLE ya mwaka huu. Orodha ya Mikoa yote itaonyeshwa, chagua Mkoa wako, halafu chagua Wilaya na hatimaye chagua Shule yako.
- Baada ya kufuata hatua hizo, utaweza kuona matokeo ya mtoto wako kwenye dirisha linaloonekana. Itakuwa rahisi kuyapakua na kuyachapisisha kama unahitaji.
In English:
Detailed Steps to Check Standard Seven results
Follow the steps below to check your Standard Seven results:
- Visit the NECTA website by typing this link: https://www.necta.go.tz/psle_results.
- Once the site loads, click on the “Results” button from the main menu positioned on the left side of the page.
- The “Results” window will display all the results available. Select “PSLE” as Exam Type.
- Select your exam year, which is 2023.
- A list of regions will display. Choose your region, district, and lastly select your school.
- After selecting your school, enter your exam registration number and click on the “View Results” button.
- The results for all subjects and scores will display, and you can print it for future reference
In conclusion, Jinsi ya kuangalia matokeo darasa la saba 2023 online is simple and straightforward. All you need is access to the internet and follow the guidelines provided above. You can also confirm your result slip with your school. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.