Get your Rwanda TVET Results 2023/2024, TVET MIS Results. Students who have appeared to this exam will able check their marks by name & Examination number. Candidates can know the results from its official Workforce Development Authority (WDA) website as well as using below given link in this post. For a detailed explanation of how you can access your TVET Result results 2023/2024 Online or anywhere, read this article:
TVET Exams Results 2023/2024:
At the end of these 3 years, students take O-Level national examinations which allows them to progress Upper Secondary public schools. Many also continue into the TVET system – Technical and Vocation Education and Training. Workforce Development Authority (WDA) , Rwanda will release the TVET Exams Results in the month of February 2023/2024.
Qualifications are awarded in TVET schools
Vocational Training Center
Generic Qualification Title |
TVET Certificate I |
TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level |
TVET Foundation Level |
Technical Secondary School
Generic Qualification Title |
Year 12 (Technical) School Qualification,TVET Certificate III |
TVET Certificate II |
TVET Certificate I |
TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level |
TVET Foundation Level |
Polytechnic Level
Generic Qualification |
Advanced Diploma |
Diploma |
Year 12 (Technical) School Qualification,TVET Certificate III |
TVET Certificate II |
TVET Certificate I |
TVET Basic Vocational Skills Level |
TVET Foundation Level |
WDA Results 2023/2024:Technical and professional national exams 2023/2024
- The Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education will officially announced results for 2018 A level technical and professional examinations, Advanced certificate (General Education) and Teachers’ Training College (TTC).
- Generally written exams are scheduled from November once in every year. This is the 7th time WDA conducts such exams since 2011.
- Last year in 2016 national practical exams will be done in 113 centers and 23,942 candidates have been registered from 168 schools; among them 10,656 females (46.7%) and 13,286 males (53.3%). Up to 88.41 percent of candidates who sat, the 2016 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) national exams passed and qualify for an equivalent of the A-Level certificate. Results 2023/2024
- Private Candidates will collect their result slips from WDA Office starting on March 1st, 2016. Whoever is not satisfied with his/her results has three (3) months to appeal. An answer is issued not later than 3 months after the introduction of appeal to WDA.
- Results can be viewed online at or by keying *775# on a mobile phone and following instructions or Call Toll-free number 4848. Headmasters will collect results for their respective schools.
TVET National Exams Result 2023/2024
Workforce Development Authority (WDA), Rwanda allows students to check TVET National Exams Result 2018 online as follows.
- Step 1: Open your Internet Browser (Like Google Chrome)
- Step 2: Type in address bar
- Step 3: At the Main menu bar check for “Exam Result“
- Step 4: A Result window will come.
- Step 5: Enter Your “Registration No.” (e.g 0331041CSM516. Make sure there are no spaces.)
- Final Step: Click on the “Apply”
Now your selected Rwanda TVET Results will be displayed, you can download the result or print it for future purpose.
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